Friday, March 29, 2013

It’s SQL Server 2008 Express to allow only local connections can be configured?

Predicament from : How can I configure SQL Server 2008 Express so it only accepts local connections?

i just installed SQL Server 2008 Express Edition. I want to configure it so that only my local computer can connect to it. I already deselected “Allow remote connections to this server” but is there anything else I need to do? Also, there are about 9 different logins set up on it. Can I remove any of these and only keep my local account login? ThankS!

However this is information about How can I configure SQL Server 2008 Express so it only accepts local connections? that you can should try to fix issues alone. Can easily this can help in many ways… to make your own life far better. Thinking information about How can I configure SQL Server 2008 Express so it only accepts local connections? will probably be a simple solution sometime soon.

Optimum solution:

Answer by DataSystem

Have your windows firewall configured not to accept any connection from outside.

You can not remove all the logins as there are few system logins.

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It’s SQL Server 2008 Express to allow only local connections can be configured?

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