Uncertainty basically by DRS: Is there a way that everybody in the world could piggyback off each others WIFI device so internet was free?
I mean free for everyone.
And also governments could not control internet access.
In other words everybodies mobile, laptop, smartphone etc was a mini server and information was passed from one “mini server” to another until the whole world was connected?
Thanks in advance.
That is certainly supposed to be about Is there a way that everybody in the world could piggyback off each others WIFI device so internet was free? that you could have got to resolve troubles on their own. Optimistically this element helps in many ways… creating yourself significantly better. Desiring supposed to be about Is there a way that everybody in the world could piggyback off each others WIFI device so internet was free? can certainly be a way out in the near future.
Best solution:
Answer by Ivy
Could be possible with ad-hoc and roaming. But why would you ? It wouldn’t be efficient.
Answer by Adrian
With such a ‘free for all”, and no controls, it would collapse real soon. To run ad-hoc means you cannot run in client mode, so everyone would be dependent on people with dual network cards to even be able to access the internet.
Wifi, being a local, low power service, would never do – it just won’t work that way…
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Setting Up a 2008 Web Server – Internet Information Services (IIS). Anonymous and authenticated web access, directory browsing, password protected directorie…
Internet freedom to each other, so that all people of the world can make a WIFI device?
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