Friday, March 29, 2013

How people Could you please tell how to solve the problem of Ventrilo?

Trouble created by CuriousOne: Can someone tell me how to fix Ventrilo?

I currently use Vent with my Guild in WoW. Me and a few of my friends are wanting to use the free version when we dont want to be bothered by other people. I have downloaded the Server on my PC which has XP and when i go to connect to it on my Laptop (which has Vista) i says “Contacting Server” but never connects. I have also download the Server on my Laptop and tried it that way but it says the same thing. What could be the problem why cant I get it to connect?

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Answer by KRB

you need to conect to it using your local ip as your inside your own lan

for your freinds if your behind a router/firewall then youll need to open ports first, then give them your external ip

Answer by JustinXM3

1) What type of Router do you have?

For your friends to connect to you, you have to ‘forward ports’ so your router knows which computer to send the information too. You will also have to setup a Static IP address on your computer.

2) I don’t know if you downloaded both Ventrillo Server and the Ventrillo Client, you will need both.

To connect to the Server using the Ventrillo Client on the very same computer, you need to know your IP Address.

To find your ip address, go to the Start Menu and select “Run” then type “Command” then type “ipconfig”


That is the IP Address that should be typed in the IP Address field in the Ventrillo Client

3) If you still cant connect, look at the Ventsrv.ini file located in Startmenu>all programs>Ventsrv>edit ini file. The default name should be Server 1. “Server 1″

Take a look at your Ventrillo Client and make sure the same Server name is typed correctly in the correct field.

4) Email me if you are still interested in solving this problem. But if you do, ill need to know what type of router you have so i can explain to you step by step how to forward the ports on your router as well as getting your global ip address so your friends can connect to you.

Have any idea good?

Leave your own special answer while in the comments!

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How people Could you please tell how to solve the problem of Ventrilo?

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