Monday, April 1, 2013

How to connect to the server I can get Minecraft / Tekkit?

Idea written by Jeremi: How can I get my Minecraft/Tekkit to connect to servers?

When I try to connect to servers, in either, it refuses to generate a list. And, when I manually enter the server IP, it simply says “Can’t Connect to Server”.

As near as I can tell, the problem is with Windows Firewall not allowing the program to access the Internet properly, in that I cannot manage to connect a server.

For those of you who’re more savvy with managing Firewalls, how do I give Minecraft (either launched normally, or through the Technic Launcher) permissions through the firewall?

(It’s using basic Windows Firewall, nothing fancy.)

Also, I’d really rather not use LogMeIn Hamachi, or another VPN, if I can help it.

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Best solution:

Answer by Psychosocial Dude

well i ran my minecraft server with hamachi

(if you have a router then there may be other issues.. but as you said 99% chance that its windows firewall)

in the server properties you should set: online mode to false (online-mode=false)

i just completely turned off windows firewall.

but if you go to the windows firewall in the control panel (or acces it trough the start menu)

*bear in mind i’m using windows 7 here

there should be a submenu called “allow program or feature trough windows firewall”

if that doesn’t work then just turn off windows firewall for a while to test it out (i advise getting avast which does a much better job, and you can get it for free!)

cause i’m pretty sure windows firewall isn’t blocking your access, but blocking others incoming connections is what it really screws up.

if it doesn’t work after shutting off windows firewall, and you do indeed have a router then you need to port forward on the 25565 port in your router settings.

you should be able to access router settings by going on or address in your browser (use firefox or opera; cause chrome has issues with it sometimes XD)

there you should get prompted to log in with password (usually its just admin admin) and find the port forwarding in your router settings there.

if you need info on your IP or router’s/vpn’s IP then just go to the start menu (win7) and tipe in “cmd” enter in the cmd type ipconfig and it will bring up your ip information

on XP you go to RUN then cmd -> ipconfig.

Understand or know better?

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servers, and wires

Image as a result of servers, and wires

a lot of rack servers, routers, and wires.

How to connect to the server I can get Minecraft / Tekkit?

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