Monday, April 1, 2013

Would like to know how to organize files on a home network?

Doubt by Heather G: Wondering How Others Organize Files on Home Network?

I currently have 3 pc’s on my home network:

Desktop 1 (Main PC)

Desktop 2 (Child PC)

Laptop (Mine)

Originally, Desktop 1 was to act as my “server” & I added additional partitions as follows:

(D:) = Media (Pictures, Music, etc.)

(E:) = Data (My Docs, Desktop Enhancements, etc.)

(F:) = Web (Graphics, Web Pages, etc.)

So far, so good. Now, let’s say I’m on the laptop & need to change something on my resume. I’d go to My Network Places – Data (E) – My Docs – & find my resume. Problem is, I can not save the file back onto Desktop 1, because of permissions. So now my resume has been saved to the (D:) shared partition on the Laptop instead of Desktop 1.

I realize I could check “Allow Network Users to Change my Files”- BUT then I have to worry about my 12 year old on Desktop 2.

So, how are the rest of you syncing your networked pc’s & backing up these files (as in an external drive) without having duplicates all over the place? Also what is the hierchy of folders & subfolders?

Nevertheless this is only about Wondering How Others Organize Files on Home Network? that you will really should try to fix complications their selves. Confidently this’ll help in several ways, making everything significantly better. Desiring only about Wondering How Others Organize Files on Home Network? can be an answer over time.

Most practical answer:

Answer by Mike

On my PC I changed a setting in my Local Security Policy under Local Policies. Network Access – Sharing Security model for local accounts I changed from Guest Only – Local users authenticate as Guest to Classic – Local users authenticate as Themselves. This will allow you to make a share and only share it with a certain user. So the user you select to share it with is the only person allowed to access the share. And I also set up the users I want to have access in the Security tab. My setup is basically the same setup as you have above. I usually back my stuff up on a DVD+-RW every couple weeks or so.

Be sure a lot better?

Leave the actual answer for the comments!

In this video I will teach you how to promote your server to a Domain controller. We will also talk about and setup DNS on the server. If you enjoy this vide…

an additional server – 15.jpg

View through an additional server – 15.jpg

It’s all about the casebadges! ^_^

finally, after two years of collecting parts, I’m building server number two this weekend.

…and Bates helps me with it! ^_^

Would like to know how to organize files on a home network?

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